Thursday, 21 October 2010

Shared Examples group on RSpec (Drying up)

When you are drying up your RSpec, shared example group could become very handy, since it can help you gather (hence the name) the common / similar behaviors applied in your methods/ classes. All you need to do is factor out the common behaviors, put it in a shared example group and than use it in pairs with it_should_behave_like (add let(s) if you need to parameterized your specs). For example :

shared_examples_for "a shape" do
  it { should have(expected_n_items).sides}
  it "should have a color" do
      # ...

  it "should have a center point" do
      # ...
And call it like so :
describe "a cube" do
  let(:expected_n_items) { 6 }

  it_should_behave_like "a shape"

  it "should be 3D" do
      # ...

Call them again for orb, prism, and so on ^^.

Saturday, 16 October 2010

How to Write Unmaintainable Code

I read this years ago, but still got me laughing like crazy even now =))
some sneak peek :

1. New Uses For Names For Baby
Buy a copy of a baby naming book and you'll never be at a loss for variable names. Fred is a wonderful name, and easy to type. If you're looking for easy to type variable names, try adsf.

2. Single Letter Variable Names
If you call your variables a, b, c, then it will be impossible to search for instances of them using a simple text editor. Further, nobody will be able to guess what they are for. If anyone even hints at breaking the tradition honoured since FRTRAN of using i, j, and k for indexing variables, replacing them with ii, jj and kk, warn them about what the Spanish Inquisition did to heretics.

3. Creative Missspelling
If you must use descriptive variable and function names, misspell them. By misspelling in some function and variable names, and spelling it correctly in others (such as SetPintleOpening SetPintalClosing) we effectively negate the use of grep or CodeWright search techniques. It works amazingly well. Add an international flavor by spelling theater and theatre in different situations.

read all!

Even more robust XPath to go with Nokogiri

I'm not big on XPath and truthfully only using it when I do screen scraping with Nokogiri (Blimey! I know). Anyway, I found XPath to be clever and surprisingly simple. Here below one of its examples :

//*[@id='someid']/tr[contains(.,'somestring') and not(contains(.,'otherstring'))]

We can mix match almost any HTML elements in it, it's very readable we can describe what we want like describing something to another human being. Say, we want filled fields on a row containing the word 'Usage', this row is placed on a table with class = 'billing_table', and the table is put inside a div with id = 'counterbox'. Here's how it will look like on XPath :


Have fun with XPath! ^^

Beginner's guide to : Undo commits on Git

You have second though on your last(or more) commit(s),
for these sort of reasons :

(1) incomplete work / last minute idea (locally)
(2) incomplete work / last minute idea (remotely)(other solution git rebase)

Solution for (1)
Now, you'd like to undo your local commit; initially, here's what you need to be doing :

$ git reset --soft HEAD^

The line above tells git to remove the last commit.
Change HEAD^ to HEAD~2 if you want to remove last 2 commits, or HEAD~3 for three, and so on.
For the 3 cases mentioned above, git-reset(1) Manual Page recommend to use this line below after edit :

$ git commit -a -c ORIG_HEAD

But, personally, I wouldn't do this. Yes, the commit objects wouldn't have to be re-add-ed, but I have files that I don't want to be committed on the same commit group, '-a' would add all of those together with the recently modified files. And with using '-c' only, the recently modified file wouldn't be included while all un-staged files would be committed. This is hell!

I would recommend the good old fashion way of commit, where we would have full control on what/when should be committed. But first, remove the commit objects from previous reset --soft, like so :

$ git reset

Now, when you're done editing, run proper commit (run git add when needed).

$ git commit -m "commit message" filepath1 filepath2 filepath3 ..

You're all well & done! ^^

Solution for (2)
Your changes were committed to the remote repository, and then you realized, that the changes is not appropriate, and you would want to undo this, and let the repository holds only commit history until the one before. Run this :

$ git revert HEAD

Now, the line above means, to revert the changes you made on the last commit(HEAD). You can change HEAD to HEAD^ for next to last commit, or change with specific SHA (get it from git log --oneline), careful with merging tho'. Anyway, back to our subject, an editor would came, and you can change the commit message if you want (I don't find it necessary). Push and then run this :

$ git rebase -i HEAD~3

We need to pack the changes to one line history only, we don't want history that says something like 'I revert my own changes'. So now, on the editor you'll see :

pick 75589b5 seek method added
pick bfb8cf0 working seek method
pick a0f2df9 Revert "working seek method"

# Rebase 75589b5..a0f2df9 onto 75589b5

Now, the first line is older than the rest, we need it to be our base. The second line is your last commit, and the third is the reverted commit. What we want is to make second & third line to disappear; So, we need to change the word 'pick' to 'fixup' for those line, and then run save & quit. Another editor will show, it's to modify the commit message, I wouldn't recommend you to change it, just run another save and quit. Push force it, and it's like you never had commit it.

^^ Gittiful ^^

Beginner's guide to : Change commit messages on Git

I think, as human, it is understandable if we misspelled words, therefore it is only fair if we can change our commit messages on Git. Wait, even better, change our commit messages both locally and remotely!

Ok, this is do-able, let's start with changing our un-push-ed commit message :

$ git commit --amend

The line above will lead you to an editor where you can change your message on the last commit to what may satisfy you. Now, let's move on, what should we do if -we already commit the changes into the remote repository when we realized that the message need to be changed- ?

No worries! unlike our lives, we can re-write history in Git, here's what you need to do :

$ git rebase -i HEAD~1

The line above means that we want to run rebase interactively for the last commit, HEAD~2 would mean the one commit before last, and so on. This will lead you to an editor, saying something like this :

pick 9b504bf f.txt file added

# Rebase 78d81b4..9b504bf onto 78d81b4

You would need to change the word 'pick' with 'reword', do save & exit. Next, you will face another editor where you can edit your previous commit message. Another save & exit, and then push force it. Oh my Git, it's fun! ^^

Beginner's guide to : Remove uncommitted changes in Git

Our case is, somewhat below :

(1) Remove changes on specific file.
(2) Remove all changes we made.

What we want is to get into the previous state, before we started to tinker with it.
We need to run this below for case (1) :

$ git checkout filename

And here below, to remove EVERY changes made :

$ git reset --hard HEAD || $ git reset --hard

(tips HEAD = last, HEAD^ = next to last, HEAD~2 = last - 2, and so on)

Friday, 8 October 2010

Beginner's guide to : Starting to work on project with existing git repository

The other day I have a colleague scanning through this blog to find a way on getting started to work with git repository (he found none because I haven't write it down here), so I think it won't hurt to actually write it. So here goes...

The case is, you need to work on a collaboration project, git repository is made (or maybe the project is half-way already), but you are clueless on what/how/when to start working with the repository.

what you need to do :

  1. Sign up to github.
  2. Register your public key here : Account Settings > SSH Public Keys
    or run this ssh-keygen -t rsa on a console if you don't have public key yet
    can be found later on ~/.ssh copy whatever inside
  3. Run these below on your console, to set up your username & email :
    $ git config --global yourusername
    $ git config --global
  4. Ask your team leader/whoever has access to the original repository to invite you into their organization.
    In case they are clueless:
    Dashboard > Switch context into the organization's > Teams
  5. Once they've invite you, go to their repository page & copy the SSH url, supposedly with the write & read access.
  6. Go to your terminal run :
    $ git clone
    $ cd repo_name
  7. If somehow you need the repo's branches, run this:
    $ git branch -r
    $ git fetch origin repo_branch_name:local_branch_name
  8. Create your working branch like so : (here for more detailed info)
    $ git push origin master:refs/heads/mynewbranchname
  9. Checkout to your new working branch with this line :
    $ git checkout mynewbranchname
  10. There you go, you're all set to rock your project!